
The following Ordinem publications are available online.

Mini Adventures

Mini one-shot adventures are now available on Patreon.

By subscribing you will have access to a catalogue of short adventures, with new ones being added every month or so.

Lost Tales Short Stories

Lost Tales are short stories set in the world of Ordinem, now available on Patreon.

By subscribing you will have access to a catalogue of short stories, with new ones being created throughout the year.

Compendium: The Continent of Scionos, 1268

The year is 1268 SR, and this compendium details the continent of Scionos.

On one continent in particular, humans were brough into being. They were nurtured by the elves, but they learned quickly and in time pushed their teachers aside.
This tome introduces the continent of Scionos, where human history started and is layered upon elven history, which is layered upon the history of giants and of dragons and of the gods.

Many adventures await.

e-book ISBN: 978-1-0686355-0-2

Adventure: The Quest for Kanzar

Player’s Introduction

As a member of a group of novice adventurers you find more than expected when you set out to rescue a child from an adventure gone wrong. Starting in the peaceful land of Tessar, your first level character will make a long journey across country to distant lands in search of the tomb of a long lost king, and his treasure. There will be many adventures on route and who knows what perils wait in the lost tomb.

Game Master’s Introduction

This adventure introduces players to the continent of Scionos, in the world of Ordinem.
The quest provides a flexible story line that allows the players to explore part of the world, in which they can choose their own path and have many smaller adventures along the way.
Characters start at first level, and can level as far as fifth level or higher, depending on the adventures they have on route.

Character Levels

For characters to climb from level 1 to level 5.

e-book ISBN: 978-1-0686355-1-9

Adventure: The Ghost Watcher

Player’s Introduction

A deranged person staggers out of The Bad Lands babbling about terrible and unholy things. This pitches you against the consequences of justice done wrongly.
The Ghost Watcher gives you plenty of opportunity for role playing, as you investigate a terrible injustice.

Game Master’s Introduction

This adventure introduces the party to The Bad Lands, an old region of Ordinem to the west of civilised Valamire. Rumours have abounded about this remote place for centuries now, without anyone knowing the truth of it, or daring to find out. This adventure draws characters into The Bad Lands in the first of a series of adventures that uncloak the dark side of this region.

Character Levels

This adventure can be run with characters of any level, though it is best for characters to climb from level 1 to level 4.
Follow-on adventures will take them to higher levels.

e-book ISBN: 978-1-0686355-3-3

Adventure: Dwarves of Iron

Player’s Introduction

You are seasoned adventurers when approached by an official of the land of Tessar, who wants you to find out what a dwarven prospector is getting up to.
The dwarf is supposed to be prospecting for iron for the land of Tessar, but it is suspected that he is up to something else, and the officials need to know what.
One thing leads to another as events snowball out of control.

Game Master’s Introduction

This adventure is set in the borderlands of the land of Tessar in the continent of Scionos, in the world of Ordinem. The party start out exploring into The Iron Hills on the trail of a suspicious dwarven prospector.
The storyline takes the characters deeper into dangerous Horde territory until they find out what the dwarves are really up to, and the threat that the humans are faced with.
The characters are then faced with different options, their decisions shaping events as they unfold.

Character Levels

For characters to climb from level 5 as high as level 11.

e-book ISBN: 978-1-0686355-2-6