Release News

News about up coming and current Ordinem releases.

Update on Publications in Progress

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update on publications in progress. There are more articles, mini adventures and short stories on Patreon that I have not provided updates for on this blog. See Publications for a list of them.

Last year I talked about new publications in development, including the adventures The City of Blood and The Stone Walkers. I have made progress with some of these publications. However, I am aware of how unhappy some people are about AI artwork being used, and some people are choosing to block products that contain AI artwork. Unfortunately, I am still not in the position to be able to pay artists for artwork and so I have had to make a decision about whether to continue using AI artwork, which many people will reject, or to put some projects on hold until I am able to pay for artists. Therefore, the adventures The City of Blood, The Stone Walkers and other products are currently on hold. I may point out that not all of the artwork that I use is AI, and in fact for some adventures only the cover art is AI generated. I do what is within my means.

You will be happy to know, however, that the articles, mini adventures and short stories on Patreon will continue using my own artwork, not AI.

Thank you for your support.


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New One-Shot Mini Adventure "A Bag of Gold"

"A Bag of Gold"

The latest Ordinem mini-adventure "A Bag of Gold" is now available on Patreon.

"While passing an abandoned and rundown house the characters are approached by a respectably dressed man, wearing a suit and a frilly shirt. He asks, 'Would you do a man a favour for a bag of gold?'."

More mini adventures will follow and will be available under the "One-Shot Adventures" membership tier on Patreon.

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New One-Shot Mini Adventure "The Maiden of the Sea"

"The Maiden of the Sea"

The first Ordinem mini-adventure "The Maiden of the Sea" is now available on Patreon.

"At the small coastal town of Caister, people have been disappearing. Young men, usually after a night of drinking in one of the busy local taverns, come the next day they are never seen again. At first it was thought to be absconding sailors, but then locals started vanishing to."

More mini adventures will follow and will be available under the "One-Shot Adventures" membership tier on Patreon.

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Adventure and Module Update

Hi. It's been a while since I last updated you, so I thought I should give you an update on what I've been working on.

I have many adventures in the planning, but I am currently working on the sequel to the adventure The Ghost Watcher, published earlier this year. This sequel, The City of Blood, is a grimdark exploration into what the Blood Eaters that plague The Bad Lands really are doing.

I am also working on a shorter adventure set in The Serpents sea, to the south of Scionos. The Stone Walkers can be played as a one-shot, though there is plenty of optional detail that enables Game Masters to extend it as they wish. What are The Stone Walkers? Well you will just have to wait to find out.

The compendium "The Continent of Scionos, 1268" mostly focuses on the southern part of this continent. There is a lot to be said about the rest of this continent though, and so I have started to plan a larger compendium that describes the whole of Scionos. This is a big undertaking though, and so this volume will not be available this year.

Talking of Scionos, dark forces are at work as The Dark Lady rallies her forces for the cause of her otherworldly patron. An adventure module will reveal not just what their plans are, but also the terrible consequences for the unsuspecting peoples of Scionos.


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"Dwarves of Iron" Now Released

It is time to announce that the third Ordinem adventure, Dwarves of Iron, is now available.

This adventure starts with the party being recruited to perform the apparently simple task of tracking a dwarven iron prospector, who is suspected of double dealing. As the characters follow him things get more intriguing and dangerous, until they find out the alarming truth of what the dwarves are up to.

Find out more at Publications, or buy this adventure at DriveThru.


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"Dwarves of Iron" Soon to be Released


I just want to keep you informed that the latest Ordinem adventure, "Dwarves of Iron", is soon to be released.

This adventure starts with the characters being commissioned to observe the movements of a dwarven iron prospector. However, as the characters follow him and his crew into The Iron Hills things start to get complicated. The adventurers discover the alarming truth of what is happening in the hills to the north of the land of Tessar, and the repercussions that are to follow and draw the characters in.


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"The Ghost Watcher" Soon to be Released

The Ghost Watcher is the first in a series of adventures set in The Bad Lands, of Scionos.

The story starts with a deranged man staggering out of The Bad Lands gibbering about terrible things. However, out of his mind he is unable to provide much detail, and so the party embark on a quest to find out what is really happening.

On arriving in the close knit community of Gimbal the party soon discover that a horrifying menace has been loosed as a result of a terrible injustice inflicted upon a family in the community. The players, and their characters, are the only people that can save the people of Gimbal from a terrible fate.

This shocking new adventure is aimed at those that like to role play as much, if not more than, to get into the action. It will be available on DriveThru soon.


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"The Quest for Kanzar" is Now Public

Hi. I can now announce that the first official adventure set in the world of Ordinem, The Quest for Kanzar, is now available on DriveThruRPG. See Publications for more about this adventure and a link to DriveThruRPG, where you can see a preview of the first few pages of the adventure and buy it.

This adventure is set on the continent of Scionos, in the world of Ordinem. To get you started with this campaign world the compendium describing the continent of Scionos is currently available for free at DriveThruRPG. Again, find out more at Publications.

Keep any eye out for more announcements about up and coming adventures set in this continent.

I hope you enjoy this new world. You can leave your comments at Comments.

Thanks for your patience waiting for this first of many adventures.


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Ordinem Compendium, Scionos 1268, Released

I am excited to announce that the first Ordinem publication is now available.

The continent of Scionos is now described in this compendium, which details the history, places, people, monsters, magic and more about this continent at the heart of the world of Ordinem.

To get you started with Ordinem this compendium is currently downloadable for free. For more information and adventure, and how to obtain it, take a look at Publications.

Keep any eye out for more announcements about up and coming adventures set in this continent.

I hope you enjoy this new world. You can leave your comments at Comments.

Thanks for your patience waiting for this first publication.


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